Free Enterprise
Known Issues and Bugs

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Workers getting stuck on forklifts:
Sometimes you'll find that your staff walk into forklifts and then get stuck there walking on the spot and sometimes slightly side to side.
This has a bad effect on game speed, slowing it to a crawl, and there isn't anything you can do about it until it sorts itself out, usually by the end of the day or within the next couple of days.
As soon as this happens make sure you press the 'Start Turn' (lights) button so that the game will stop at the end of the day. Once it ends you'll find you can't interact with the forklift to get it out of the way (this is because the staff member has actually moved it a little) and so the game doesn't let you move or remove it.
Eventually the staff member will become unstuck and you can continue on without any problems, however it is highly likely they'll get stuck on it again soon.

Don't place forklifts or handcarts. Your staff members don't seem to actually use them and so they are just taking up space, costing you money and potentially causing these problems.
You can also place them out of the way, like in a corner somewhere and away from the paths workers typically use to travel around and carry out their tasks. The problem only occurs if a staff member walks near or into it, and they should still be able to use it if they need.

Divide by zero error causing crash:
You may never encounter this problem unless you create some special situations.
One such scenario was caused by having no monthly income.
The situation it was occurring in was this:

I had my company running, a number of machines (more than 5) were going great and plenty of money rolling in.
At some point I decided to focus on research (for this review), and to get it done as fast as possible I removed all my machines except for those used for research.
I still had my manager and the research staff and was running 2 research machines (in varying categories) and these ran normally, producing research results quite rapidly.
The problem occurred somewhat randomly during the months that followed, occurring on different days and at different times and it wouldn't always re-occur if you reloaded a saved game just before the crash and played through it again - so you can still play and progress.
What I believe happens is for some reason the game attempts to divide something by zero and the only zero I could think of was monthly income (since there is just expenditure, nothing is being sold) and this problem occurred only in this situation.

A solution I used was to have 1 or 2 machines producing items and generating sales, yes this means everything runs slower but the difference is actually very little and it is certainly much better than random crashing.

Some Machine Inputs not being reloaded during day:
Some machine inputs don't appear to get reloaded during the day, this is seen almost exclusively in the non-upgradable machines. Usually one raw materials input will not get refilled aside from once at the very start of the day and so when it runs out the machine stops production for the rest of the day.
This effectively limits the efficiency of the machine to about 60%-70%. If you are using it to supply other machines then you'll usually have no problems as the output of the machine before it runs out of raw materials will outstrip the consumption of the machines it's supplying, and still generate some excess for sale.

There isn't one, you just have to compensate for it and make sure that there is enough to refill the machine to maximum capacity at the start of each day. In general the computer will order enough for you anyway, the most you'll lose is a full day so you don't really have to worry about it much.

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