Northern Estates and Hangars
Treasure Island's north-eastern tip was the second site of estates on the island and consists of a combination of large mansions and hangars, all located on the shoreline and right next to a teleporter.
Each mansion-sized estate provides its owner with a spacious ground floor, a smaller second floor and in some cases a third floor - all providing excellent views of the nearby river. Their large size makes them perfect for entertaining of guests or simply for sitting back, relaxing and admiring the view from your own private observation area.
Hangars are also present in the area and represent Treasure Islands very own starport!
Hangar owners are able to fly to and from various space destinations either alone or carrying a group and some hangar owners operate a travel service, ferrying passengers around whilst others simply use it as personal transport.
If you are looking for a ride to or from space please check out the Spaceflight page.
Northern Estates are accessible from the Northern Shores Teleporter, located at X: 22970, Y: 26513
See the following sections for further details:
- Area Map - Map of the Northern Estate Area.
- Hangar Details - Information on the Hangars and their owners.
- North Estate Details - Information on the North estates and their owners.
- Skippper Estate Details - Information on the Skipper estates and their owners.
- Estate Design - Describes the design of the estates, their floor plan and images of the interior, exterior and area.
- Hangar Design - Describes the design of the hangars, their floor plan and images of the interior, exterior and area.
Area Map

Hangar Details
- Treasure Island Hangar #2 is owned by Moonfish.
- Treasure Island Hangar #3 is owned by Zhorgul.
- Treasure Island Hangar #4 is owned by Copern and is being lent to Buzz Lightyear.
- Treasure Island Hangar #5 is owned by SIBUK.
- Treasure Island Hangar #6 is owned by the Dark Knights Society.
- Treasure Island Hangar #7 is owned by Felicity.
- Treasure Island Hangar #8 is owned by Panther.
- Treasure Island Hangar #9 is owned by Steph Kay Kiokay.
- Treasure Island Hangar #10 is owned by Aziphirael.
- Treasure Island Hangar #11 is owned by The Creature and The Ripper (RipTure).
North Estate Details
- Treasure Island North #1 is owned by Mistress THE-WITCH Hazel.
- Treasure Island North #2 is owned by SIBUK, from cK Coat Killers.
- Treasure Island North #3 is owned by Noggin.
- Treasure Island North #4 is owned by Eliza.
- Treasure Island North #5 is owned by Leeloo.
Skipper Estate Details
- Treasure Island Skipper #1 is owned by Sky Typhoon Cruizer.
- Treasure Island Skipper #2 is open to offers.
- Treasure Island Skipper #3 is open to offers.