Emperor of the Fading Suns


Documentation: Formulas

The Score - the Church's resistance to that technology / unit

Before I could generate a unit's statistics, I needed to have a general idea of how powerful the unit was. In order to facilitate this, I created formulas for generating a score for each technology that can be researched in the game. Then a unit's score was a function of the technologies required to create that unit. To calculate the score for a particular technology, I determined all of the technology's prerequisites and then used 1 point for each technology required + the absolute value of each Church Dislike Negative + 1 point for itself + the absolute value of its own Church Dislike Negative. So for instance Ceramsteel's score is:

Ceramsteel requires:

  1. Physics = 1
  2. Energy Physics = 1
  3. Composite Armor = 1
  4. Electron Microscopes = 1
  5. Itself = 1

So its score is 1 point for each technology + any Church modifiers (all 0 here) + 1 for itself + any Church modifiers (0 again) for itself: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5

For Combat Drugs:

  1. Microbiology = 1
  2. Pharmaceuticals = 1
  3. (-3) Psychopharmacology = 1 + absolute value (-3) is 4
  4. Itself which has a (-6) Church modifier = 1 + absolute value (-6) is 7

So its score is: 1 + 1 + 4 + 7 = 13

All of the technologies' scores can be found in the Appendix.

A unit's score is calculated the same way except that if it doesn't require an applied technology then it doesn't receive any points for itself (since it is not a technology).

So, for instance, a Heavy Infantry requires:

  1. Ceramsteel = 5
    1. Physics = 1
    2. Energy Physics = 1
    3. Composite Armor = 1
    4. Electron Microscopes = 1
    5. Ceramsteel = 1
  2. Monofilament = 9
    1. Physics = 1
    2. Energy Physics = 1
    3. Electron Microscopes = 1
    4. (-3) Nanotechnology = 4
    5. (-1) Monofilament = 2

Unfortunately the scores for Ceramsteel and Monopols just can't be added because the technologies Physics, Energy Physcis, and Electron Microscopes would be added twice. So they are counted only once and therefore Heavy Infantry's score = 9 (Monopols) + 2 (Ceramsteel minus duplicated technologies, 5 - 3) = 11

Fanatic Legions require Fanatics technology, so their score is:

  1. Holy Warriors = 11
    1. Psychosocial Engineering = 1
    2. Meditation = 1
    3. Parapsychology = 1
    4. Theurgy = 1
    5. (-1) Indoctrination = 2
    6. (-1) Liturgical Ritual = 2
    7. (-2) Holy Warriors = 3
  2. Pharmaceuticals = 2
    1. Microbiology = 1
    2. Pharmaceuticals = 1
  3. (-1) Fanatics = 2

There are no redundant technologies, so Fanatic Legions score is: 11 + 2 + 2 = 15

All of the unit's scores can be found in the Appendix.

Research Point Cost - a technology's total research cost

To compute the number of research points required to research a specific technology I implemented a different approach. The 3 technology base division's starting research cost is 100 Research Points (RP). The next level down is 150 base + any prerequisites. The next level down is 200 base + any prerequisites, and so on as far down as the technologies go.

So for instance, Pharmaceuticals:

  1. Microbiology = 100
  2. Itself = 150

So the total number of RP = 100 + 150 = 250

When a technology has two or more prerequisites, it always uses each prerequisite technology only once in its score computation, for instance, Powered Csteel Armor:

  1. Physics = 100
  2. Energy Physics = 150
  3. Electron Microscopes = 200
  4. Monopols = 250
  5. Cyclotron = 300
  6. Composite Armor = 150
  7. Ceramsteel = 250
  8. Cold Fusion Cells = 350
  9. Itself = 400

So to compute its score, 100 + 150 + 200 + 250 + 300 + 150 + 250 + 350 + 400 = 2150

For Applied Technologies, the algorithm is slightly different because they are derived from the main 3 technologies as opposed to being a separate stand-alone tree in itself. The base for an Applied Tech is 50 + the max of its requisite techs. So for instance, Web Missiles requires Composite Armor (Base = 150) and Monofilament (Base = 300) so its Base is 300 + 50 = 350. This is then added to all the techs in the list and the total divided by 4 and rounded to the next 25 RP to determine its Research Point Cost. Web Missiles Tech Research Cost is:

  1. Physics = 100
  2. Energy Physics = 150
  3. Composite Armor = 150
  4. Electron Microscopes = 200
  5. Nanotechnology = 250
  6. Monofilament = 300
  7. Web Missiles = 350

Web Missiles Applied Tech Research Cost = 375 ((100 + 150 + 150 + 200 + 250 +300 + 350)/4)

Unit Formulas - used to create unit statistics

By using what is stated in the manual for various resources:

  1. Biochemicals -> genetically altered, drug enhanced
  2. Electronics -> spotting, servos, silicon wafers, think machines
  3. Ceramsteel -> lighter, stronger than composite armor, advanced armor hover and large spaceships
  4. Wetware -> combine people with machines (+ agility, + accuracy)
  5. Monopols -> integral to fusion power generation, fusion weapons and powered armor

I generated formulas for all the statistics. The statistics are Movement Rate (MR), Unit Base Type (UB, i.e. Space Fighter, Noble, etc.), Spotting (Sp), Camouflage (Ca), Agility (Ag), Armor (Ar), Psy Defense (Psy Def), Accuracy (Ac), Attack Strength (AS), Time to Build (TB), and Unit Upkeep / Cost per turn ($).

For each statistic I thought of what would be a positive modifier to that statistic and what would be a negative modifier and used the unit's movement type as the base statistic for that unit. So, for instance, an Air unit's Movement Rate would have a higher base than a Foot unit's. Also, the resources used are assigned to a specific statistic and so you couldn't use one resource, say Electronics, to improve more than one statistic (to improve both Movement Rate and Accuracy, you need at least one Electronics in both categories). For each statistic I've summarized the positive and negative modifiers and included the formula below that particular statistic. All the resources used are totaled for that unit and that represents what materials are needed to build the unit.


A new addition from previous versions of Hyperion is the use of technology modifiers on certain resources. For instance, if a unit requires technology X, then that technology will make usage of a particular resource more effective for increasing that particular statistic. The formulas have been continuously revised as I’ve developed Hyperion and those listed below represent the latest unit-design formulas.


Unit Statistics

Movement Rate (MR) is influenced by:

  1. Movement Type (MT), i.e. air, crawler, foot, tread, etc.
  2. +Monopols (Mo) (plus sign, +, indicates positive influence)
  3. +Energy (En)
  4. +Chemicals (Ch)
  5. +Biochemicals (Bi) (foot units only)
  6. +Wetware (We)
  7. +Electronics (El)
  8. -Metal (Me) (minus sign, -, indicates negative influence)
  9. -Ceramsteel (Ce)
  10. +Food (Fo) (foot units only)

MR = MT + (Fo(foot only) * TM) - (Me / 20) + (2 * Ch * TM)+ (Bi(foot only) * TM) + El - (Ce / 40) + We + ( Mo * (MTM + TM) ) + En(non foot only)

MT = foot(3), all others(0)

Fo(foot only), Ch, Bi(foot only), El, We, Mo, and En(non foot) are the number of each resource "devoted" to Move Rate

Technology Modifier (TM) – Fo: Viper Militia(2); Ch: Atmospheric Fighters(2);Bi: Xyll Warbeasts(2); Mo: Hover Tech(1), Advanced Hover Tech(1)

Movement Type Modifier (MTM) – foot(1), all others(2)

Spot (Sp) is influenced by:

  1. +El
  2. +MT
  3. +Bi (foot only)
  4. +Trace (Tr)

Sp = MT + Tr + (El * TM * MTM) + (Bi(foot only) * TM) + TB

MT = all(2)

Tr, El, Bi (foot only) are the number of each resource "devoted" to Spot

TM – Bi: Tracker Legion(2), Xyll Warbeasts(2), El: Aircraft Surveillance(2), Assassin(2), Special Forces(2)

MTM – Air(2), Hover(2), Jump(3), Space(3), Lander(3)

Technology Bonus (TB) – Alien Psychology(2)


Camouflage (Ca) is influenced by:

  1. +El
  2. +MT
  3. +Bi (foot only)
  4. +Ch
  5. -Me
  6. –Ce
  7. +Tr

Ca = Tr + MT - (Me / 20) + ( (Bi(foot only) * TM ) + ( Ch & (El * TM) & Mo ) - (Ce / 40)

MT = foot(4), all others(0)

Tr, Ch, Bi (foot only), El, Mo are the number of each resource "devoted" to Camouflage

TM – Bi: Tracker Legion(2), Xyll Warbeast(2); El: Special Forces(2)

& – if a unit has Raider Stealthship technology then it is Ch + ( (El * TM)* Mo ), i.e. the unit is cloaked via an electrofield shield; if a unit has Neumonic Armor technology then it is ( Ch * (El * TM) ) + Mo, i.e. the unit is cloaked via an electrochemical material; if a unit has Cloaking Shields technology then it is (Ch * (El * TM) * Mo), i.e. the unit is cloaked via an electrochemical material and electrofield shield; if a unit doesn’t have any of these technologies then it is Ch + (El * TM) + Mo.

Agility (Ag) is influenced by:

  1. +We
  2. +MT
  3. +Bi (foot only)
  4. +El
  5. -Me
  6. -Ce
  7. Tr

Ag = MT - (Me / 20) + Tr + (Bi (foot only) * TM) + (El * TM) + (We * TM) - (Ce / 40)


MT = foot(4), all others(0)

Tr, Bi (foot only), El, We are the number of each resource "devoted" to Agility

TM – Bi: Combat Drugs(2), Xyll Warbeast(2); El: Polymorphonic Carbon(2); We: Cyberpilot(2)


Armor (Ar) is influenced by:

  1. +Mo
  2. +Me
  3. +Ce
  4. +Ch
  5. +Bi (foot units only)

Ar = ( Me + (2.5 * Ch * TM) + (5 * Bi (foot only) * TM) + (2 * Ce) + (10 * Mo) ) * TB

Ch, Bi (foot only), Mo are the number of each resource "devoted" to Armor

TM – Ch: Composite Armor(2); Bi: Psychopharmacology(2), Xyll Warbeast(2)

TB – Psychosonic Manipulation(2) (foot only)

Accuracy (Ac) is influenced by:

  1. +Trace (Tr)
  2. +We
  3. +El
  4. +Bi (foot only)

Ac = 2 + (Tr * TM) + (2 * Bi(foot only) * TM) + (2 * El) + (4 * We) + TB, divided amongst all the unit's attack modes

TM – Tr: Viper Militia(2); Bi: Combat Drugs(2), Xyll Warbeast(2); El: Spore Delivery(2)

TB – Hostile Environment Mastery(4), Fusion Rifles(2), Assault Legion(2)

Tr, Bi (foot only), El, We are the number of each resource "devoted" to Accuracy


Attack Strength (AS) is influenced by:

  1. +En
  2. +Mo
  3. +Ch
  4. +MT
  5. +Bi (foot only)
  6. +Gems (Ge, psychic units only)

AS = (5 * En) + (10 * Ch * TM) + ( ( Bi * (10 + TM) ) * TM ) + ( Mo * (25 + TM) ) + (25 * Ge * TM), divided amongst all the unit's attack modes


TM – Ch: Long Range Bombers(2), Megachassis(2); Bi: Viral DNA(5), Dormant Virus(5), Necrosis(5), Xyll Warbeast(2); Mo: Fusion Rifles(5), Fusion Beams(5), Meson Cannon(5), Discontinuity Beam(5), PTS Fusion Cannon(5); Ge: Holy Warriors(2)

En, Ch, Bi (foot only), Mo, Ge are the number of each resource "devoted" to Attack Strength

Resource Totals


Food is influenced by unit type and movement type.


Total Food = MR + UT + MT


Unit Type (UT) – Engineer(200), Colony Ship(200), PTS( -(Me + Ce) / 2 ) negates movement type Food requirement for non-naval PTS units only

MT – Jump(Me + Ce), Space(Me + Ce), Lander(Me + Ce), Naval( (Me + Ce) / 2 ), Crawler( (Me + Ce) / 2 ), Water( (Me + Ce) / 2 )


Total Energy = MR + AS


Total Metal = MR


Total Trace = Sp + Ca + Ag + Ac


Total Chemicals = MR + Ca + Ar + AS


Total Biochems = MR + Sp + Ca + Ag + Bi + Ac + AS


Total Electronics = MR + Sp + Ca + Ag + Ac


Total Ceramsteel = MR


Total Wetware = MR + Ag + Ac


Total Monopols = MR + Ca + Ar + AS


Total Gems = AS

Singularities (Si) is influenced by:

  1. +MT
  2. +Me
  3. +Ce

Total Singularities = MT * [Me + (Ce / 2)] / 10

MT = 0 for all, except 1 for Jump or Lander

Time to Build (¹) is influenced by everything and now accounts for handling times for the different resources.


¹ = (Fo / 300) + (En / 50) + (Me / 200) + (Tr / 25) + (Ch / 25) + (Bi / 10) + (El / 25) + (Ce / 100) + (BD / 10) + (Mo / 25) + (Ge / 5) + (Si / 2)

Unit Upkeep / Turn ($) is influenced by all the resources used to build the unit.

For this formula each resource was weighted depending on its Cost Factor. The Cost Factor is 1/10 of the resource’s price at the Agora if it is harvested, otherwise if it is produced then it is the sum of the input resource Cost Factors:

  1. Fo = 0.1 (1/10)
  2. En = 0.5 (5/10)
  3. Tr = 1.0 (10/10)
  4. Exotica(Ex) = 2.5 (25/10)
  5. Ge = 5.0 (50/10)
  6. Me = 0.2 (2/10)
  7. Ch = 1.5 (En + Tr)
  8. El = 1.5 (En + Tr)
  9. Bi = 4.5 (En+ Ex + Ch)
  10. Ce = 3.0 (En + Ch + Tr)
  11. We = 8.0 (En + Ce + Bi)
  12. Mo = 2.0 (En + El)
  13. Si = 7.5 (En + Mo + Ge)

$ = [En + Me + Tr + (Ch * 2) + (El * 2) + (Bi * 4) + (Ce * 4) + (We * 9) + (Mo * 3) + (Si * 5)] / (UB or MT)

Unit Base / Movement Type= MW/MWO/SM/Air/Naval/HF/HK/HC/HB/D - 2.5, SF/STB/IES - 1, Jump/Space/Lander/IEN - 0.5, all others 5

Unit Base abbreviations:

MW=Unit designated as Mech Warrior
MWO=Unit designated as Mech Warrior Officer
SM=Unit designated as Space Marine
HF=Unit designated as Hover Frigate
HD=Unit designated as Hover Destroyer
HC=Unit designated as Hover Cruiser
HB=Unit designated as Hover Battleship
D=Unit designated as Droid
SF=Unit designated as Space Fighter
STB=Unit designated as Space Torpedo Bomber
IES=Unit designated as Imperial Eye Scout
IEN=Unit designated as Imperial Eye Network

Psy Defense (Psy Def) is influence by:

  1. UB
  2. Applicable Tech Research Cost (TR)

Psy Def = 5 + UB + TR / 10

Unit Base = FS(200), N(100), O/S/MWO(50), any unit not under any of these designations has a base of 0

FS=Unit designated as type Flagship
N=Unit designated as type Noble
O=Unit designated as type Officer
S=Unit designated as type Spy
MWO=Unit designated as type Mech Warrior Officer

Applicable Tech List and reason why added:

Psychopharmacology - alters mind with drugs
Wetware - combination of mind and machine
Neurocellular Surgery - alters brain
Cyberpilot - enhances brain
Combat Drugs - alters mind with drugs
Genetics - better genetic discipline
Genetic Manipulation - even better genetic control
All Psychosocial Engineering Techs - all deal with mind
Cyber Robotics - combination of machine with man
Wireblades - Noble conditioning
Discontinuity Field Generator - advanced field technology, blocks psy abilties
Composite Armor - armor technology, blocks psy abilities
Ceramsteel - armor technology
Hovertech - field technology
Advanced Hovertech - advanced field technology
Powered Csteel Armor - combined armor and field technology
Polymorphonic Carbon - combined advanced armor and field technology
Neumonic Armor - combined advanced armor and field technology
Cloaking Shields - combined advanced armor and advanced field technology

Example 1:

Noble - requires no tech, Base Unit designation of N(100), so Psy Def = 5 + 100 = 105

Example 2:

Infantry Legion - requires Composite Armor(TR = 150), no Base Unit designation, so Psy Def = 5 + 150/10 = 20

Page created by Matt Caspermeyer